My Site
In my site, you will learn about me. My name Lisa Lahti and where I'm from. Go to the 'About Me' tab and under 'Q & A' is a lot of facts about me. Also my site will keep you update on any new releases-such as, Book Three of the Michael and Jessie Series is scheduled to be release in February of 2020. There is a 'Contact Me' tab, so please feel free to visit and leave me any comments, good or bad. Also at the 'Contact Me' you can leave book reviews and I will take all reviews and transfer them over to the 'Review' tab. You can also leave any comments in the 'Blog' tab. It's there for you. A way for us to build a relationship and for me to keep up with what readers likes or dislikes. I hope all likes the Michael & Jessie Series. You will learn that the first two books of the series are available now in the 'Book' tag. With this little information to help you get around my site and see all the good I can bring to your reading world, I hope you all have a wonderful day and remember: 'Happy Reading and Enjoy'

Hello, Happy Readers.
This is just a line to let you know that I appreciate all your support. And to let you know at any time, feel free to drop a line to me if you have any questions and just want to say Hi. I hope everybody has a wonderful day.